1. Connect Hardware

ARM based chips: connect via USB to your PC and you’re good to go.

Microchip chips: an in-circuit programmer connects to the MCU and your PC.

2. Interface

Welcome to the Elevated Studio development environment. Our layout should be instantly familiar with Control System engineers - starting from the top, the Tool Bar has common PLC instructions to program an MCU in ladder logic. Then on the right File Explorer for easy access and the big open space in the middle where all your code lives and finally Output Window at the bottom.

3. Drag and drop instructions

Instructions can be dragged-and-dropped into any open slots in the ladder.

Users can add more complex instructions via the ‘Place Instructions’ menu. These can also be configured as toolbars for easier access in the future.

4. Compile and upload

With a press of a button, code can be compiled and downloaded to your connected MCU.

5. Debug

There are 2 debug modes: Ladder Step-by-Step and Run-to-Breakpoint. In ladder Step-by-Step, each ladder is a step and can be executed via the “Next Ladder” button. In Run-to-Breakpoint, the code executes until it hits a manual breakpoint.